What Country is USSR? Should the Earth Rock on its Axis?
My students need a solar system fact finder and a globe that spins on its axis, instead of rocking and flopping like the one we have. Ours shows the old USSR instead of the new boundaries.
Does the earth spin clockwise? Does it go around the sun or around the moon? Do we get closer to the sun in the summer? Our class is trying to learn this, but the globe we have is VERY old and wobbly. It won't spin. It also has the USSR instead of the correct countries. Our globe is over 30 yrs old!
I teach a 6th grade class of 32 students in a K-6 grade school.
The school is in a suburb of about 67,000 people. There is so much pressure to excel in Math and Reading that Science and Social Studies often takes a back seat. It is imperative that those lessons are effective.
My students look forward to the Science and Social Studies lessons. I feel discouraged when I have to tell them to "pretend" the earth is spinning, or "this area of the globe used to be one country, but NOW it is many different countries."
My students need basic materials in order to learn and retain the information in the Science and Social Studies lessons. These subjects are not given the attention that is needed. Our interactions with other people and cultures is a major part of our lives, yet children aren't given the chance to learn enough about them. Understanding and taking care of our planet is essential,and a knowledge of how it works is needed in order to do that.
My Project
I am requesting funds to purchase a globe that shows the current political boundaries,the position of its axis, and can be turned to demonstrate how it spins while orbiting around the sun.
To help with their study of the solar system I am requesting a Solar System Fact Finder. This displays each planet in relation to the sun and has a quiz function that the students can learn and review with.
In addition I am hoping to use the ideas and masters from the "History in a Pocket" books to teach about the Greek and Roman civilizations.
Students and teachers are asked to do and learn so much with limited resources.
If we had these items in our classroom the Science and Social Studies lessons would have a greater impact on each student. They would be able to make real world applications with the knowledge they gain.
I am a teacher who feels passionately about our earth and the importance to learn about it, the people who live here, and I want to instill in my students a desire to appreciate and protect it.
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As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. This classroom request for funding was created by Mrs. Horton and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team.