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As mentioned previously, my students are disproportionately low-income (free and reduced lunch) and often have experienced disruptions in their education due to economic dislocations, having to move, missing school, sometimes deficient parenting skills. I have found that students who can effectively use Khan Academy, for example, are able to fill many gaps in their knowledge and allow them to move forward and catch up with their peers. In addition, by using a computer-based program of math instruction, students can progress at their own pace. For nearly all my students, the main reason they have come to my school is because they have failed in the regular schools. It is my professional and personal goal to guide as many of those students as possible toward a more successful and promising future. I would like to build an inventory of chromebooks that students can check out overnight to work on their coursework (all homework, not just math).

About my class

As mentioned previously, my students are disproportionately low-income (free and reduced lunch) and often have experienced disruptions in their education due to economic dislocations, having to move, missing school, sometimes deficient parenting skills. I have found that students who can effectively use Khan Academy, for example, are able to fill many gaps in their knowledge and allow them to move forward and catch up with their peers. In addition, by using a computer-based program of math instruction, students can progress at their own pace. For nearly all my students, the main reason they have come to my school is because they have failed in the regular schools. It is my professional and personal goal to guide as many of those students as possible toward a more successful and promising future. I would like to build an inventory of chromebooks that students can check out overnight to work on their coursework (all homework, not just math).

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About my class

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