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My students are ninth graders, predominantly African-American, and about 95% of them receive free or reduced lunch. They attend a high school with chalk boards and little to no additional technology. Textbooks are confined to the classroom and teachers are financially responsible for printing fees. The idea of labs and field trips are foreign and if the former occurs it is constricted to the teacher performing demonstrations or the teacher assuming financial responsibility for the supplies. My students are very inquisitive and often ask me "can you show us how that works?" or "can we do the lab again so I can remember exactly what happened?". Their questions are great, but when the safety and recall of an experiment are not accessible I have difficulty satiating their curiosity.

About my class

My students are ninth graders, predominantly African-American, and about 95% of them receive free or reduced lunch. They attend a high school with chalk boards and little to no additional technology. Textbooks are confined to the classroom and teachers are financially responsible for printing fees. The idea of labs and field trips are foreign and if the former occurs it is constricted to the teacher performing demonstrations or the teacher assuming financial responsibility for the supplies. My students are very inquisitive and often ask me "can you show us how that works?" or "can we do the lab again so I can remember exactly what happened?". Their questions are great, but when the safety and recall of an experiment are not accessible I have difficulty satiating their curiosity.

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