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Teaching in California has become more difficult each year. With budget cuts and home foreclosures affecting the entire state, our school, and our students, opportunities that were once expected are now rare. I recently had a student return to visit me and my classroom after many years. "Do you still have that snake skin?" she asked. I was surprised she remembered. After all, I had been her teacher in 1st grade! Those types of interactions and relationships that I've built with my kids are what drive me to want more for them. To give these kids the opportunity to develop memories that leave a lasting impression on them and guide them on to bigger and better things are the reasons why I teach.

About my class

Teaching in California has become more difficult each year. With budget cuts and home foreclosures affecting the entire state, our school, and our students, opportunities that were once expected are now rare. I recently had a student return to visit me and my classroom after many years. "Do you still have that snake skin?" she asked. I was surprised she remembered. After all, I had been her teacher in 1st grade! Those types of interactions and relationships that I've built with my kids are what drive me to want more for them. To give these kids the opportunity to develop memories that leave a lasting impression on them and guide them on to bigger and better things are the reasons why I teach.

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About my class

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