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Mrs. Anderson’s Classroom Edit display name Customize URL

If you have ever been around an 8th grader you know that they have never ending curiosity, they need constant change in environment, and they desire to move. My students are determined and hardworking, but could greatly benefit from a change in classroom scenery. These kids are so used to sitting in the same chairs all day, just in a different room. All of my students have different learning styles and abilities, so because of this I believe that they would all benefit from having a choice in what type of seating they are utilizing. My goal is to provide flexible seating in my classroom so that my students can have the choice of what type of seat will work best for them. All students, no matter their age, need to move. It has become increasingly obvious to me that when students are not able to move about they become easily distracted and a distraction to others. Flexible seating allows each student to move around without being distracting to others.

About my class

If you have ever been around an 8th grader you know that they have never ending curiosity, they need constant change in environment, and they desire to move. My students are determined and hardworking, but could greatly benefit from a change in classroom scenery. These kids are so used to sitting in the same chairs all day, just in a different room. All of my students have different learning styles and abilities, so because of this I believe that they would all benefit from having a choice in what type of seating they are utilizing. My goal is to provide flexible seating in my classroom so that my students can have the choice of what type of seat will work best for them. All students, no matter their age, need to move. It has become increasingly obvious to me that when students are not able to move about they become easily distracted and a distraction to others. Flexible seating allows each student to move around without being distracting to others.

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About my class

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