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Mrs. Price’s Art Room’s Classroom Edit display name Customize URL

I am a first year art teacher & my goal is to teach the children and give them a foundation in which to thrive creatively...starting with the elements of art. These kids are sponges and their minds are just bursting with ideas and images! I want to help transfer what they see in their head to paper. However, we have no paper!! Not quality paper that will allow them a mistake or two ... copy/print paper is so darn unforgiving!! I’d really like to gift the older students a sketch pad/journal of their own so they can see for themselves how patience, practice, & perspective pays off.

About my class

I am a first year art teacher & my goal is to teach the children and give them a foundation in which to thrive creatively...starting with the elements of art. These kids are sponges and their minds are just bursting with ideas and images! I want to help transfer what they see in their head to paper. However, we have no paper!! Not quality paper that will allow them a mistake or two ... copy/print paper is so darn unforgiving!! I’d really like to gift the older students a sketch pad/journal of their own so they can see for themselves how patience, practice, & perspective pays off.

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About my class

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