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Mr. Lepisto’s Classroom Edit display name

  • Rowva Junior Senior High School
  • Oneida, IL
  • More than a third of students from low‑income households Data about students' economic need comes from the National Center for Education Statistics, via our partners at MDR Education. Learn more Customize URL

Finding ways to teach STEM practically can be a challenge. With the help of a few colleagues, I came up with the idea to create an interactive city. This city will be quite large measuring out at 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. The city will be primarily made of 3D designs made by the students that are then 3D printed and put into place. Along with these 3D printed designs, there will be traffic, garbage routes, and working stoplights. Ozobots will act as our traffic and garbage routes, and a makey-makey will be used to create our traffic lights. Students will also be creating a home based on some career research. The students will then be creating a video to be shown that describes their design process.

About my class

Finding ways to teach STEM practically can be a challenge. With the help of a few colleagues, I came up with the idea to create an interactive city. This city will be quite large measuring out at 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. The city will be primarily made of 3D designs made by the students that are then 3D printed and put into place. Along with these 3D printed designs, there will be traffic, garbage routes, and working stoplights. Ozobots will act as our traffic and garbage routes, and a makey-makey will be used to create our traffic lights. Students will also be creating a home based on some career research. The students will then be creating a video to be shown that describes their design process.

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About my class

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