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My project for these students is that they learn the basics of a woodworking environment, so that they will be able to further understand the career as a whole. This project also focuses on team building, strategizing a project or object to make, basic but crucial math skills such as reading a tape measure and making accurate measurements, as well as certain Science standards for how equipment is made to do the certain jobs desired at that time. By having these materials provided, my students will be able to complete projects other than simple wood crafts. These power tools will allow my students to make things like small bookshelves to take home, bird houses, and almost any project they come up with. This also allows these children to explore a career opportunity that deals with these tools and type things on a daily basis, while also incorporating their standards for how these tools work, what materials it takes to build things like they desire, and experience trial and error within the scientific method.

About my class

My project for these students is that they learn the basics of a woodworking environment, so that they will be able to further understand the career as a whole. This project also focuses on team building, strategizing a project or object to make, basic but crucial math skills such as reading a tape measure and making accurate measurements, as well as certain Science standards for how equipment is made to do the certain jobs desired at that time. By having these materials provided, my students will be able to complete projects other than simple wood crafts. These power tools will allow my students to make things like small bookshelves to take home, bird houses, and almost any project they come up with. This also allows these children to explore a career opportunity that deals with these tools and type things on a daily basis, while also incorporating their standards for how these tools work, what materials it takes to build things like they desire, and experience trial and error within the scientific method.

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