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In May, every public school in the great state of Mississippi must take a state mandated test in math, science English, and history. Through hard work and dedication from both our students and teachers, we have been able to consistently move up one level for the past two years. This year, we are aiming for that level B and I know that these incentives is more than enough to reward our students for a job well done. Scholars' names will be placed into a drawing if they have shown growth on their yearly state mandated test. These board games will be given to the scholars' name that are pulled at our annual school-wide celebration in September. We are trying to get a collection of 10-20 prizes funded so that we can continue to motivate our scholars to keep pushing through.

About my class

In May, every public school in the great state of Mississippi must take a state mandated test in math, science English, and history. Through hard work and dedication from both our students and teachers, we have been able to consistently move up one level for the past two years. This year, we are aiming for that level B and I know that these incentives is more than enough to reward our students for a job well done. Scholars' names will be placed into a drawing if they have shown growth on their yearly state mandated test. These board games will be given to the scholars' name that are pulled at our annual school-wide celebration in September. We are trying to get a collection of 10-20 prizes funded so that we can continue to motivate our scholars to keep pushing through.

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