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Mrs. Gilstrap’s Classroom Edit display name

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Help! Our teen tech team has taken over our creation station! These more then 50 dedicated kids are using guided free time to learn new technologies, creative processing, and collaboration skills. They have transformed the ways we use technology tools for creative thinking in the classroom by not only mastering the tools, but also inviting other students and teachers into the creation station. Because our creation station has high demand, we need more supplies! Items like crayons, clay, oragami paper, sharpies, duct tape, and color ink toner are used to create directions, signage, and props for films. We would like paper, glue sticks, markers, and colored pencils for enhancing our low tech days when we are using our button maker, origami paper, and word art. The model magic clay and graphite pencils are conductors we need for connecting our art to our Makey Makey. The full sheet labels are needed for when we print our passport badges for the CSFirst and Digital Skills activities. Dry eraser makers and magic erasers are used in our "break out boxes" when we are solving problems at each station. Help RE-supply our creation station, so our creators can keep creating! Our supply list seems simple, but it is these supplies that will help us to continue the impact of our team.

About my class

Help! Our teen tech team has taken over our creation station! These more then 50 dedicated kids are using guided free time to learn new technologies, creative processing, and collaboration skills. They have transformed the ways we use technology tools for creative thinking in the classroom by not only mastering the tools, but also inviting other students and teachers into the creation station. Because our creation station has high demand, we need more supplies! Items like crayons, clay, oragami paper, sharpies, duct tape, and color ink toner are used to create directions, signage, and props for films. We would like paper, glue sticks, markers, and colored pencils for enhancing our low tech days when we are using our button maker, origami paper, and word art. The model magic clay and graphite pencils are conductors we need for connecting our art to our Makey Makey. The full sheet labels are needed for when we print our passport badges for the CSFirst and Digital Skills activities. Dry eraser makers and magic erasers are used in our "break out boxes" when we are solving problems at each station. Help RE-supply our creation station, so our creators can keep creating! Our supply list seems simple, but it is these supplies that will help us to continue the impact of our team.

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