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Mrs. Lengnick-Hall’s Classroom Edit display name

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I'm a TNTP Teaching Fellows alum and proud to be teaching at Cunningham Elementary School. Our school is located in South Austin, TX where educational opportunities have been and continue to be limited. We are hoping to change that through an innovative model of inquiry focused and problem based learning. Through this approach students can become the drivers of their education, making meaningful connections from what they learn in the classroom to what they learn outside of the classroom. It is creating a community of inventors, makers, and scientists! I am inviting you to partner with our school and my classroom in creating a meaningful and positive educational experience for the deserving youth of Austin.

About my class

I'm a TNTP Teaching Fellows alum and proud to be teaching at Cunningham Elementary School. Our school is located in South Austin, TX where educational opportunities have been and continue to be limited. We are hoping to change that through an innovative model of inquiry focused and problem based learning. Through this approach students can become the drivers of their education, making meaningful connections from what they learn in the classroom to what they learn outside of the classroom. It is creating a community of inventors, makers, and scientists! I am inviting you to partner with our school and my classroom in creating a meaningful and positive educational experience for the deserving youth of Austin.

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About my class

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