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Ms. Q.’s Classroom Edit display name

  • MA
  • Nearly all students from low‑income households Customize URL

Wanted: tools to inspire urban 9th graders who think that they cannot become doctors, nurses, or medical care providers because they are "bad" at science. I teach 9th grade Biology in a small urban city just north of Boston. The majority of my students are considered to be of a minority population and receive free-and-reduced lunches. Though I teach non-honors students, I truly believe that they are all "good scientists." They have a unique view of the world which helps them when solving scientific problems. Many of my students are also students with individual education plans (IEPs) who are not usually introduced to mainstream science classes.

About my class

Wanted: tools to inspire urban 9th graders who think that they cannot become doctors, nurses, or medical care providers because they are "bad" at science. I teach 9th grade Biology in a small urban city just north of Boston. The majority of my students are considered to be of a minority population and receive free-and-reduced lunches. Though I teach non-honors students, I truly believe that they are all "good scientists." They have a unique view of the world which helps them when solving scientific problems. Many of my students are also students with individual education plans (IEPs) who are not usually introduced to mainstream science classes.

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About my class

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