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My students range in ability level, as well as socio-economic class. We have an incredibly diverse building, where students are exposed to many different types of backgrounds, which is great! The school my scholars attend is a K-5 building. The scholars in my classroom learn best by doing. Therefore, utilizing Idea Paint in the classroom and capitalizing on every possible inch of learning space will be beneficial. Imagine this...Students have unlimited access to learning spaces to work collaboratively, show their work, and be proud of their accomplishments. Using a 360 degree model, students will have this opportunity. With students so engaged, it gives me an opportunity to move about the classroom, work with individual students to meet their specific needs, and correct mistakes easier. Students will have the chance to move around the classroom, instead of sitting stagnant at their seats. This is how my scholars learn best.

About my class

My students range in ability level, as well as socio-economic class. We have an incredibly diverse building, where students are exposed to many different types of backgrounds, which is great! The school my scholars attend is a K-5 building. The scholars in my classroom learn best by doing. Therefore, utilizing Idea Paint in the classroom and capitalizing on every possible inch of learning space will be beneficial. Imagine this...Students have unlimited access to learning spaces to work collaboratively, show their work, and be proud of their accomplishments. Using a 360 degree model, students will have this opportunity. With students so engaged, it gives me an opportunity to move about the classroom, work with individual students to meet their specific needs, and correct mistakes easier. Students will have the chance to move around the classroom, instead of sitting stagnant at their seats. This is how my scholars learn best.

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About my class

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